Around 70 percent of Myanmar’s citizens live in rural areas and are dependent on forests for their basic needs. © Justine Hausheer/TNC

Stories in Myanmar

Conserving Myanmar’s Forests

Myanmar has some of the most extensive forests in Southeast Asia.

Please visit the Myanmar home page for an update on the work happening in the region.


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Through our work to implement readily available, cost-effective natural climate solutions, including reforestation and avoided deforestation, we could deliver more than one-third of the greenhouse gas emission reductions required by 2030 to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. By driving policy changes, we can accelerate our transition to a clean energy future and motivate increased emphasis on and investment in natural climate solutions.

Deforestation, driven by both legal and illegal logging, is having severe impacts on communities in Myanmar, particularly those that depend on forests for their livelihoods and basic needs, such as food, building materials and medicines.

Over-harvesting, illegal logging, excessive dependency on wood for fuel and agricultural expansion for such crops as rubber and oil palm are driving deforestation and forest degradation.

We are working with local stakeholders to guide and support a national program to sustainably develop Myanmar’s forestry sector in a way that will conserve the country’s rich biological and cultural assets while ensuring that the forests continue to make a valuable contribution to the country’s economic development.

Given the substantial degradation and fragmentation experienced by Myanmar’s forests over the last several decades, we are working with partners to restore forests so that degraded lands can once again play their important role in meeting present and future needs.

You can help us protect forests and tackle climate change for the benefit of both people and nature.

Read More

  • A pristine mangrove forest in the Mergui Archipelago of Myanmar.

    Illegal Logging in Myanmar's Forests

    Decades of overharvesting have ravaged Myanmar’s forests, and illegal logging is undermining the government’s efforts to reform forestry practices. Read more.