Hero Image
Hong Kong TNC staff and volunteers put recycled oyster shells into the bay to promote oyster reef growth in Hong Kong. © Frigatefilms
Becky Marshall


Becky Marshall

“We are incredibly grateful for the support of our ever-expanding global volunteer leader network. Their energy, expertise, and guidance help accelerate progress toward our 2030 goals and contribute to our long-term organizational health. Their diverse perspectives enrich our work and are foundational to our past, present, and future success.”

Hawai'i and Palmyra Board Commits to DEIJ

A juvenile blacktip reef shark on the flats south of Quail Island, Palmyra Atoll.
Blacktip shark fin A juvenile blacktip reef shark on the flats south of Quail Island, Palmyra Atoll. © Tim Calver/TNC

At an October 2022 retreat, the Hawai’i and Palmyra Board of Trustees approved the adoption of a Commitment Statement that outlines aspirational steps over the next three years to expand and diversify while developing a deeper understanding and application of the region’s complex history. In the initial stages of this learning journey, the board will focus on strengthening bonds, building synergies, and incorporating mutual learning initiatives within the chapter’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) staff working group.

“We encourage TNC to evolve as a supportive and enabling partner to Native Hawaiian and local communities as leaders and co-managers in caring for the environment. The board recognizes that this process takes time, and we are pleased with the thoughtful insights, engagement, and commitment of our trustees.”

— TNC Hawaiʻi and Palmyra Board of Trustees

Hawaii and Palmyra Board of Trustees

TNC Hawaiʻi and Palmyra Board of Trustees

In 2022, the Hawaiʻi and Palmyra Board of Trustees adopted a DEIJ Commitment Statement outlining aspirational steps in the coming years to expand and diversify while deepening its understanding and application of the region’s complex history.

  • The board supports the value and practice of Aloha ʻĀina across the chapter’s work. Aloha ʻĀina is defined in many ways, and it is a concept that can take many years and experiences to
    fully understand. In our work we embrace the literal translation of “deep affection or love for land,” and we also aspire to support the leadership and authority of communities to have
    ownership and responsibility to achieve the vision of nature and people thriving.

  • We encourage TNC to evolve as a supportive and enabling partner to Native Hawaiian and local communities as leaders and co-managers in caring for the environment. We aspire for Aloha ʻĀina to be integrated in every aspect of life, thought, and behavior by all.

  • Looking ahead, the board’s working group is focused on addressing the strategies and outcomes found in the board’s DEIJ statement. It is reviewing timelines, next steps, and a vision for strategies in our work and/or committees. It also drafted learning journey framework and is reviewing the board’s recruitment criteria. The board recognizes that this process takes time, and we are pleased with the thoughtful insights, engagement, and commitment of our Trustees.

More coming soon