Informe Anual 2019

Proteger los Océanos, la Tierra y el Agua

Proteger nuestro patrimonio salvaguardar nuestro futuro

Diving with sealions Latino América © Alfredo Martinez Fernandez /TNC Photo Contest 2019

Protecting nature in Latin America and ensuring plentiful water, food and energy for the region are not conflicting goals. Nature and human development are both central factors in the same equation. Modern conservation is about finding innovative ways so that both can thrive.

Quote: Fabián González Cota

El mar ha sido mi medio de vida. Ha alimentado a mi familia. Ahora estoy dando algo a cambio.

Pescador de la comunidad Agua Verde. Golfo de California, México

From the dazzling blue waters of Mexico’s Baja California to the towering, ancient forests of Chile’s Valdivian coasts, TNC is transforming how lands and waters are used and conserved for the benefit of people and wildlife. 

Building on the 60-year land protection legacy for which TNC is known, we partner with indigenous people and local communities to strengthen their rights and roles as environmental stewards. We engage corporations and governments to ensure infrastructure investments flow to projects that meet environmental, economic and community objectives. We spur forward-thinking policies that amplify the scale and speed of conservation.

Protecting nature is our heritage; it is also the only way to ensure our future.

Una fuerza para la naturaleza

Este informe demuestra cómo The Nature Conservancy está respondiendo a este desafío no solo en el ámbito del cambio climático, sino en tierras, ríos, océanos, agricultura y ciudades.